Aster Nega
Publishing EnterpriseOur enterprise which has produced over 150 titles of student textbooks and teacher’s guides respectively for the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia, Ministry of Education under the project title, GEQIP – General Education Quality Improvement program. All the books are in use at present.
Geography Grade 10
Geography, Student Textbook
Geography Grade 9
Geography, Student Textbook
Geography Grade 11
Geography, Student Textbook
Geography Grade 12
Geography, Student Textbook
Mathematics Grade 9
Mathematics, Student Textbook
Mathematics Grade 10
Mathematics, Student Textbook
Mathematics Grade 11
Mathematics, Student Textbook
Mathematics Grade 12
Mathematics, Student Textbook
Economics Grade 11
Economics, Student Textbook
Economics Grade 12
Economics, Student Textbook
Chemistry Grade 9
Chemistry, Student Textbook
Chemistry Grade 10
Chemistry, Student Textbook
Chemistry Grade 11
Chemistry, Student Textbook
Chemistry Grade 12
Chemistry, Student Textbook
Af-Soomaali Grade 9
Af-Soomaali, Student Textbook
Af-Soomaali Grade 10
Af-Soomaali, Student Textbook